PUBG - New Hack tool allows instant healing and revive

Vân Anh Lê
  1. New problem of hacking in PUBG appears when Hacker can heal and revive their teammates instantly...

    For players who play and are passionate about PUBG, Healing and Revive play the key role in the gameplay system. It's like a double-edged sword that affects both defensive and offensive, actively as well as passively. While these mechanisms allow players and teams to survive longer in gunfights, on the other side, they also provide time for the other team to push into position. For experienced gamers, the time when the enemy is healing or reviving their comrades is a precious moment to approach and kill the entire team.


    However, these two mechanisms become the victim of Hacker when a new dirty tool has just appeared in PUBG. Gamers who use this new Hack tool can heal and revive his teammates in less than a second. Actually, the operation can be so fast that the “Knockout” one can immediately be revived when being touched.​


    It is worth mentioning why hackers who already have the ability to clear up the server with just a few clicks are worried about the healing and revive tool. Maybe some of them are so bad that even they use Aimbot or Wallhack, they cannot win. Or simply some hackers want to use these tools to hack secretly, avoid killing someone from the other side of the map and then receive billions of reports.

    No matter what answers are, it will still be a warning for Bluehole in fighting against Hack. Developers will have to take more strong measures in detecting unauthorized tools. Bluehole said that it has added a new method in the Anti-Hack system, which permanently blocks 100 thousand accounts. Hopefully this method, together with a more powerful Anti-Hack system will be developed and able to eliminate this threat in the future.

    All information about PUBG will be updated for readers as soon as possible.​

: bluehole, pubg

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