PUBG Mobile officially unlocks download link for Vietnam

Vân Anh Lê

Hồ sơ game

Đánh Giá:
4.8 5 phiếu
  1. The international version of PUBG Mobile has officially been unlocked for Vietnamese players on both Android and iOS.

    When PUBG Mobile was officially on trial in China, players were excited to experience one of the hottest games in the world. And when the game was released in the international market, Vietnamese fans were more excited to enjoy the game with English language support. However, gamers have to go "back door" to download the game, making it difficult for those who want to enjoy PUBG Mobile immediately.


    However, the story has changed because PUBG Mobile has officially allowed for a series of new areas, including Vietnam. This means that right now you can directly access to Google Play and App Store to download PUBG Mobile for free of charge. The game also has Asian Server with more stable Ping than before.

    You can also access the link below to start downloading PUBG Mobile for free on Android and iOS:




    However, according to some players, Ping of this version is still unstable. In contrast, some comments that the game will update gradually as well as improve the Server system. According to GameHub’s sources of information, PUBG Mobile is likely to have a Vietnamese version in the near future. If Gamehub has Vietnamese version, we will immediately share with gamers in Vietnam.

    Readers can also join PUBG community and PUBG Mobile Vietnam here:

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