Full list of errors in PUBG that players may encounter

Lê Thị Bảo Thoa

Hồ sơ game

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5 4 phiếu
  1. The developer has officially announced the full list of PUBG's existing bugs that players may encounter while playing.

    To show their transparency in the development of PUBG, developer of the game - Bluehole has just released a full list of bugs that may occur in the game. Find out what exactly are on that list right here.


    Bugs will be processed in the next Update.
    (These errors have been processed in the Internal Test and patches will be present in the latest Update)
    • The interface of compass vibrates when players parachute down in vertical direction
    • Die when jumping or climbing through underwater obstacles
    • Delay after first firing and replacing bullets
    • Zoom mode of scope 8x resets when changing weapon
    • If your character wants to open a door while sitting, he has to change his position to standing up
    • When the motorbike is in the air and characters exchange seats, it suddenly stops moving and sinks to the ground
    • Holo and Red Dot images are constantly blurred
    • Some text in the game is lost or misplaced
    • After reconnecting to the game in FPP mode, the camera angle is continuously moved in the wrong direction.
    Bug being investigated
    (These errors are being investigated by the developer and in the process of getting fixed)
    • Motorcycles accidentally flip
    • Two players are trapped at a door
    • When reporting via Replay system, sometimes usernames display wrong or not displayed.
    • Item "Long Leather Boots (Brown)” does not display the nail
    • In support mode for color blind people, Scope 4X's focus is red instead of blue.
    • Friend list does not work correctly
    • The "Reconnect" button does not show up after you lose your connection in the Custom Match
    • After reconnecting in Duo or Squad, team members can not distinguish or save teammates.
    • After reconnecting in Duo or Squad, team member placemarks on the map do not show the correct location.
    • After reconnecting in Duo or Squad, health bar of team members in the left corner of the screen is full forever.

    Hopefully readers can avoid all the errors that affect the gameplay before developer releases bug fixes. All information about PUBG will be updated for GameHub readers as soon as possible.​

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