Far Cry 5 players rummage the trace of monsters

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  1. It seems that Far Cry 5 is revealing a secret about an alien in the game, causing the community to rummage every corner of the map.

    Far Cry 5 has a series of extra missions called Prepper Stash, which allows gamers to do some simple puzzles to find the keys and places of precious items. They are considered as treasures in the game with the ability to provide a large amount of money, ammunition... as well as Perk Point – Skill point in the game.

    However, besides supporting player the economic ability, Prepper Stash also has some mysteries in Far Cry 5. For example, in one of the tasks, Preppy Stash leads players to the deserted house called Ohara Haunted House. There, before entering the house, players will see a shadow appearing through the window. However, when you enter the house and arrive at that window, you will not see anyone ... except for a red balloon in the air, a phone call with the ghostly laugh of a clown... and a piece of paper with strange words about fear. Yes, that is the suggestion of the existence of Pennywise – the notorious clown in IT – a horror film.


    But that's not the only thing in the game that makes players scared. Far Cry 5 players has just discovered a completely new mystery about the beast Big Foot. The story begins when Preppy Stash takes players to a remote area of Whitetail Mountain. Here you will find a small bungalow of a hunter called Dicky Dansky. However, this wooden house is locked, there is a piece of note paper left with the following contents:

    Immediately this piece of paper directs players go inside the mountain where they will have to find Dansky's key to unlock the wooden house. However, when coming to the campsite which is said to be the hunter’s, players suddenly witnesses a scary scene. There are dozens of empty bottles, a bag of cement, piles of bones and a lot blood scattering on the ground


    From here players can go to a higher position and they will find a human body. Well that is Dansky, who seems to have been attacked to death by a creature. Near Dansky's body, players can see some bigger footprints than normal. If players use the key collected from this hunter's body, they can unlock the wooden house and receive various bonuses. However, one of the things that Dansky left behind was a map with multiple locations marked. But according to the marks on the map, these locations were dashed by Dansky after searching and finally he was killed the old watchtower.


    But there are a great number of clues left. According to a note found in a wooden house, Dansky began to be obsessed with a creature when he was still a consultant for the campsite. When he led a group of students to explore the forest, he accidentally saw a human-like creature but extremely larger. From then, Dansky started his tireless hunting ... and probably that is the cause of his death.


    Depend on this story, many gamers have been trying to find different campsites in the game and that’s why different maps appear. Thanks to these maps, players discover new locations circled and begin their campaigns to search throughout Far Cry 5. Others spend their all day there waiting for a chance to see that creature while others wander to the edge of the game world.


    One of the most noticeable locations is a wooden house on the northwest of the map. At here, a piece of paper narrates the hunter's journey to find the bear which has killed his parents. When approaching to the nearby cave, the player finds two skeletons and the hunter's body. The player immediately wonders whether they has actually been killed by the bear? Or there is a more bloodthirsty creature behind these deaths?

    Up to now, there has been no answer yet ...

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