"2 days 1 night" star becomes a professional PUBG player

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  1. Jung Joon Young - the main vocal of a Korean rock band, the star of the TV show "2 Days 1 Night" has officially signed to become a professional PUBG player.

    Jung Joon Young, the star of the TV show "2 Days 1 Night", the main vocal of Drug Restaurant (Rock Band) has officially signed to become a professional gamer of Team PUBG Kongdoo Reddot. Obviously, no matter how the guy plays the game, Korean fans of PUBG have gone crazy because of this information.

    About Kongdoo, this company was founded by Hong "YellOw" Jin Ho, a retired professional Starcraft gamer. Kongdoo also owns a league of legends named Kongdoo Monsters. For Kongdoo Reddot team, fans of PUBG will be familiar with this name, if they know that Jung Joon Young will play with EVERMORE - a name that is quite familiar with professional PUBG community.


    According to Kongdoo Company, Jung Joon Young makes them impressed with his skills and understandings of PUBG. If that's true, this is obviously not just a marketing contract as many would think.
    "I know there is a huge difference between enjoying the game and playing as a professional gamer," said Jung Joon Young. Now, I have become a member of a professional team, and I will do my best to become a player who can contribute to the team. "


    Having heard this statement, many people still find it hard to believe in Jung Joon Young's ability to be a professional gamer. Because, in order to catch up with his teammates as well as compete in professional environments, he needs to practice hard every day. That is, obviously, impossible if Jung Joon Young still wants to keep his singing and acting career. How will Jung Joon Young perform in his new role on PUBG? Let's wait and see.​

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